24 Dec 2020

One (1) new positive Covid-19 case at TMpoint Taipan, Subang Jaya

One (1) new positive Covid-19 case at TMpoint Taipan, Subang Jaya Article Header

TM has activated the necessary safety protocols; outlet closed for sanitisation until 29 December 2020

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wishes to confirm one (1) new positive case of COVID-19 amongst its employees at TMpoint Taipan, Subang Jaya on 23 December 2020. The employee is currently receiving treatment at a Government hospital.

Following the confirmed case, the Company has taken immediate action to close the TMpoint Taipan outlet until 29 December 2020 for disinfection and sanitisation in accordance to the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health (MoH). Meanwhile, to ensure TM customers continue to be served, other TMpoint outlets remain in operations in adherence to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) as well as TM’s added safety guidelines. TM management and staff are together praying for the speedy recovery of all those affected by the pandemic.

Meanwhile, detailed contact tracing is being carried out by the MoH, assisted by TM’s COVID-19 Crisis Response Team (CRT), to identify and inform those whom had close contact with the positive case. Identified close contacts are being contacted by MoH for further advice and action.

TM would like to remind everyone at all times to stay safe – practice social distancing, maintain personal hygiene and adhere to the SOPs as advised by the Government. TM would like to reiterate that it has taken and will continue to take all necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of its customers, employees and community.​


09 Jun 2023
FAM - TM Jalin Semula Kerjasama Strategik Sebagai Rakan Rasmi Teknologi

Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia (FAM) meneruskan jalinan kerjasama dengan Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) di mana syarikat telekomunikasi terkemuka negara itu menjadi Rakan Rasmi Teknologi bagi FAM dan pasukan kebangsaan, Harimau Malaya untuk tempoh setahun bermula Jun 2023 ini. Perjanjian itu juga menjadi bukti komitmen tinggi TM terhadap pembangunan sukan bola sepak negara di mana syarikat tersebut telah terlibat secara langsung dalam industri bola sepak tempatan sepanjang dua dekad yang lalu. Menurut Presiden FAM, Datuk Haji Hamidin Haji Mohd Amin, kerjasama yang kembali terjalin bersama TM selepas kali terakhir berkolaborasi pada tahun 2020 membuktikan hubungan baik FAM bersama syarikat telekomunikasi itu sentiasa dipelihara. “Sudah pasti FAM berasa gembira dan berbesar hati dengan jalinan semula kerjasama bersama TM yang tentunya akan membawa manfaat besar kepada perancangan dan pembangunan skuad bola sepak kebangsaan. “Saya optimis bahawa hubungan strategik antara FAM dan TM ini dapat mencapai hasil penajaan yang menggalakkan selain memberi peluang TM membawakan produk mereka untuk dinikmati oleh jutaan peminat bola sepak di negara ini melalui pelbagai program promosi yang akan kita aktifkan dalam masa terdekat.  “Mewakili seluruh warga kerja FAM, saya ingin menzahirkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada TM dan berharap menerusi kerjasama ini, arena bola sepak negara akan bergerak ke arah kecemerlangan,” kata Datuk Haji Hamidin.  Majlis menandatangani perjanjian antara FAM dan TM itu telah berlangsung di Wisma FAM, Kelana Jaya petang tadi di mana FAM diwakili oleh Setiausaha Agung FAM, En Noor Azman Hj Rahman sementara TM telah diwakili oleh Naib Presiden, Jenama dan Pemasaran, En Andrew Pinto. Majlis tersebut telah disaksikan oleh Datuk Haji Hamidin bersama-sama Puan Shanti Jusnita Johari, Ketua Pegawai Pemasaran, TM. Turut hadir adalah kedua-dua Timbalan Presiden FAM, Datuk Wira Mohd Yusoff Mahadi dan Dato’ S. Sivasundaram, barisan ahli Jawatankuasa Eksekutif FAM, serta barisan pengurusan kanan Kumpulan TM.   Sementara itu, Puan Shanti turut menzahirkan penghargaan kepada pihak FAM atas kolaborasi ini yang membolehkan TM meneruskan peranannya dalam memajukan sukan bola sepak sebagai sukan nombor satu negara yang mempunyai jutaan peminat tanpa mengira bangsa, umur dan latar belakang. “TM menerajui evolusi teknologi telekomunikasi negara sejak sekian lama ke arah membina Digital Malaysia menerusi teknologi yang memperkasa komuniti, perniagaan dan Kerajaan. Kini, TM telah menjalani transformasi ke arah menjadi sebuah Syarikat Teknologi Berteraskan Insan, ataupun, a Human-Centred Technology Company. Peralihan ini akan turut diterapkan dalam jalinan kerjasama antara TM dan FAM ini, dengan membawakan pengalaman baharu kepada para penyokong pasukan kebangsaan melalui teknologi digital serta perkhidmatan komunikasi dan kandungan,” kata beliau. “Kami amat berbesar hati dapat memberikan sokongan kepada sukan bola sepak kerana ianya mampu menyatukan rakyat Malaysia di bawah satu bendera. Diharapkan kolaborasi ini dapat mencetuskan minat dan sokongan yang lebih jitu daripada para peminat, seterusnya memberi suntikan semangat untuk pasukan bola sepak kebangsaan. Semoga kerjasama antara kedua-dua pihak bakal mengangkat martabat sukan bola sepak kita dan mengharumkan nama Malaysia di peringkat antarabangsa,” akhiri Puan Shanti.

24 Jun 2022
unifi business campaigns for local small & medium enterprises with #BelanjaDiSME

In conjunction with World SME Day, TM’s retail convergence solutions arm calls for Malaysians to support growth of local SMEs & nation’s economic rebound ​Recognising the immense contribution of local Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to the country's socioeconomic growth, unifi Business is marking SME Day 2022, which falls on 27 June, with a month-long campaign to help these local players get back on their feet post pandemic, while rallying all Malaysians to support their business growth. Using the hashtag #BelanjaDiSME, unifi Business alongside several renowned partners have lined up multiple activities such as a Social Media Challenge, the SMEs to SMEs talk shows, and a nationwide entrepreneurs roadshow to celebrate the significant role played by local SMEs in creating employment, promoting innovation and creativity, as well as contributing to the country's economic prosperity. #BelanjaDiSME (which means Spend with SME) was chosen to encourage Malaysians to buy products and services offered by local SMEs, boosting the profitability of these enterprises and contributing to their rebound, post pandemic. This campaign started off with a Social Media Challenge, where Malaysians are invited to upload a picture of any local SME of their choice on their personal social media space with a creative caption, tagged with the #BelanjaDiSME hashtag. Participants with the most creative picture and caption will be in the running to win attractive prizes such as a 3-day and 2-night stay at local holiday destinations, smart devices, shopping vouchers and many more. The challenge is now open right up until the end of June, and everyone can participate! Meanwhile, entrepreneurs seeking inspiration and ideas to grow their business can catch SMEs to SMEs talk show featuring stories of local SMEs on their digital transformation journey. This talk show can be watched live on unifi Business Facebook page as well as on Astro Awani. Tune in and listen to these successful entrepreneurs: Anna Teo - Hernan Corporation (largest and leading exporter of Malaysian durians) – 25 June on ASTRO AWANI at 10.30pm Joanne Goh - Jazzy Group (international film producer) – 27 June on Astro Awani at 9.00am Nadira Yusoff - Kiddocare (online babysitting platform) – 27 June on Sembang Bisnes unifi Business Facebook page at 3.00pm. A nationwide tour is being held throughout the month of June, to raise awareness among SMEs on the importance of digitalisation process for their business growth and development especially during this transition to endemic phase. This is in line with the Government's focus on empowering this target group and improving their living standards. To give local SMEs a shot in the arm, unifi Business will also promote the SME Digitalisation Grant (SDG) where the entrepreneurs can enjoy up to 50% savings on their subscriptions to digital solutions from unifi Business or get a RM5,000 matching grant, as part of the Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara (PENJANA) initiative announced by the Government in 2021. This is an opportunity for SMEs to increase their productivity while reducing their operating cost. The pandemic has undoubtedly impacted SMEs, forcing them to evolve into a more digital literate organisation in order to survive and thrive. unifi Business, as the preferred digital partner of SMEs, provides just the digital solutions they need to make this happen, which include: unifi eCommerce Hub: Designed to connect and maximise growth opportunities seamlessly, this solution offers a single and integrated platform, with an easy-to-use interface. Entrepreneurs can sync their offline and online sales channels, manage product inventories, orders, monitor sales and revenue, as well as manage social media enquiries. They can even build interactive websites with live chat and built-in online payment features. unifi Cloud Storage: To help businesses manage the often-tedious task of storing valuable information, this solution brings flexible, safe and scalable data storage. It also provides access for multiple users and secured encryption for better business productivity. Hosted locally at TM's Green Data Centre certified facilities, unifi Cloud Storage provides a secure home for important files and information so businesses can focus on growing and being profitable. unifi Business Club (uBC): All unifi Business customers will enjoy member benefits of the uBC, which include access to relevant and current content at its portal (https://ubc.unifi.com.my). Here, they can find insightful and inspiring content such as webinars, talk shows, live chats, events, business tips and articles to help them navigate the business world. uBC members will also enjoy access to financial assistance, productivity boosters, digital marketing platforms, tools and community engagement programmes that are tailored to a variety of business needs. For more info on unifi Business SME Day 2022 happenings, visit https://ubc.unifi.com.my/. Let's support and celebrate these local SMEs, together.

27 Aug 2021
Solid first half 2021 for TM: revenue up +8.2%, EBIT up +29.9%, dividend declared

First half 2021 Key Highlights (vs first half 2020) Group Revenue grew 8.2% to RM5.57 billion from RM5.15 billion Cost optimisation continues to yield results. Group Reported Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) increased by 29.9% to RM977.3 million, from RM752.4 million last year  Group Reported Profit After Tax and Non-controlling Interests (PATAMI) rose 27.3% to RM544.0 million, compared to RM427.2 million last year Record breaking unifi customer growth; fixed broadband customer base grew 15% to 2.55 million Declares interim dividend of 7.0 sen per share totalling RM264.2 million in line with dividend policy Continues to focus on value creation and ESG for sustainable growth Telekom Malaysia Berhad's (TM) revenue for the first half of 2021 (1H2021) grew strongly by 8.2% to RM5.57 billion, compared to RM5.15 billion in the same period last year. In a statement today, the company said this achievement was driven by growth across all its customer segments – unifi, TM ONE and TM WHOLESALE. On the back of this higher revenue and better cost efficiency, Group EBIT rose by 29.9% to RM977.3 million, from RM752.4 million last year. Subsequently, Group PATAMI grew 27.3% to RM544.0 million, from RM427.2 million in the same period last year. The Company continues to invest in future growth by modernising its network and technology platforms, to deliver the best current and future solutions for its multi-segment customers. CAPEX spending in the first half of the year stood at RM597.0 million or 10.7% of revenue.  Of the amount invested, 65% was for network access, 16% for core network, and the balance 19% for support systems. Fibre broadband of choice – highest ever new unifi customers recorded in 2Q2021 unifi recorded several operational milestones with more than 210,000 new customer activations in the second quarter of 2021 (2Q2021). This is the highest number of unifi activations in a quarter in its 11-year history. unifi achieved an important milestone of 2.0 million customers in May 2021. By the end of June, the overall fixed broadband customer base had gone up to 2.55 million, representing a solid 15% growth over the past 12 months since June 2020. This growth was enabled by the higher number of ports added in 2Q2021 and wider fibre network coverage, exceeding the targets committed in the JENDELA plan, achieving 138% of its commitment in 1H2021. unifi also increased its sales and installation capacity to meet strong fibre broadband demand. unifi also saw positive uptake of device bundles with the enhanced unifiYourWorld campaign offering smart lifestyle devices, unlocking the unlimited possibilities to enrich users' digital lifestyle and needs. unifi brought live streaming of the recent Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 on 13 HD channels for free via unifi PlayTV app and unifi Plus Box, to enable Malaysians to support our athletes competing at the games. Customer touchpoints and support remains in operation with stricter SOPs As more Malaysians are working from home, conducting business online, participating in online learning and keeping the family entertained while staying safely at home, TM observed that internet usage went up by 45% since the start of MCO in March 2020. All customer support services remain in operation with stricter SOPs to continuously serve customers. Customer care lines remain open and attended to over 3.6 million customer interactions in 1H2021. TMpoint outlets and key partner stores remain open for service applications and essential transactions while adhering to strict SOPs. TM is also expanding and renovating selected TMpoint outlets with localised flavour, self-serve kiosks and implementing many other improvements to enhance its customers' experience. New service installation and restoration activities remain available for customers with SOPs in place to ensure the safety of both, customers and TM personnel. Notably, TM activated unifi Rovers nationwide to help customers sign up easily. Due to the higher volume of interactions during this pandemic period, customers are encouraged to use self-serve digital channels such as the unifi portal and myunifi app which are available 24/7 for service registration, service diagnostics, account-related enquiries and payment. A more simplified and personalised digital bill was also introduced for bill payment convenience of customers. TM ONE is committed to accelerating MyDIGITAL aspirations with cutting-edge digital infrastructure and solutions TM ONE continues to be the digital enabler and trusted partner for enterprise and public sector customers by providing dependable connectivity and delivering new customer projects in 1H2021. As customers pursue to accelerate their digitalisation adoption, this has translated into new contracts and renewals. Following its appointment as the sole Malaysian Cloud Service Provider (CSP) under the MyDIGITAL blueprint, TM ONE sees growing demand for its Cloud services from enterprises and government agencies. In addition, TM ONE also served international demand to fulfil hyperscaled requirements as the local data centre provider. With its complete suite of cybersecurity solutions under TM ONE CYDEC, TM ONE has formed alliances with strong global and local cybersecurity players to further enhance its ability to detect and eliminate cyber threats for enterprise and public sector customers. This will help pave the way for digital trust and cyber resiliency to help nurture a safer and more robust national cyber ecosystem. TM WHOLESALE strengthens domestically, further builds partnership ecosystem globally Domestically, TM WHOLESALE continues its growth momentum as the preferred infrastructure partner for High Speed Broadband (HSBB) access services. It also achieved further expansion of infrastructure coverage and capacity for Next Generation Backhaul services for several mobile network operators. TM WHOLESALE also secured bandwidth capacity upgrades for major Domestic Wholesale Data solutions and services. Internationally, TM WHOLESALE strengthened its partnership ecosystem with more global telcos and hyperscalers for International Data services. TM WHOLESALE also secured more deals with global telcos and hyperscalers for International Ethernet services. It also expanded its digital media delivery network ecosystem with growth from domestic and international digital content players. Focused on value creation and ESG for sustainable growth TM continues to focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles of sustainable and ethical business practices in serving the nation: Governance: TM is committed to uncompromising integrity. All its suppliers have signed the TM Integrity Pledge and more than 90% of Warga TM have progressively completed the Uncompromising Integrity e-learning module. TM also ensures that its corruption mitigation practices are independently certified - having completed the Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) certification and the Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan (OACP). Social: TM aims to deliver social impact by ensuring the wellbeing of its Warga TM and the nation. TM is committed to bridging connectivity through the JENDELA plan. TM remains fully supportive of the Government's recovery plan - "Pelan Pemulihan Negara" - via its connectivity, digital infrastructure and solutions as well as various social contributions. Environment: TM continuously strives to reduce its annual carbon emissions from electricity usage through the retirement of old networks, implementation of an Energy Management System and improvement of energy-saving practices. TM is continuously improving these sustainability efforts while at the same time upholding its commitment to its stakeholders. Imri Mokhtar, Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer of TM commenting on the results: "I am pleased to report that we have recorded a solid performance in the first half of the year and we are on track to meet our 2021 targets in line with market guidance. Coming off an exceptional first quarter, we recorded notable improvements in our 1H 2021 revenue and profitability against the same period last year. "This was driven by higher revenue achieved by all of our customer segments – unifi, TM ONE & TM WHOLESALE and better cost efficiency. The current nationwide movement control order (MCO) has certainly influenced our business landscape and customer operations, but we are delighted with the momentum of our value programmes and the commitment of our frontliners. "Our revenue in 1H2021 recorded an increase of 8.2% at RM5.57 billion against RM5.15 billion in the same period last year, driven by revenue growth from all customer segments. Our EBIT has increased by 29.9% from RM752.4 million to RM977.3 million. Malaysia's economic growth outlook for 2021 continues to be challenging with the prolonged movement restrictions brought about by Covid-19. Notwithstanding the headwinds, our role remains. We will continue to serve the nation by meeting the demand for internet and data, both at the retail and wholesale fronts. This is evident through the acceleration of the number of ports deployed and the fibre network expansion under our Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA) commitment, which is well ahead of schedule. We remain steadfast and will leverage our comprehensive connectivity, digital infrastructure and other smart solutions to support the nation's digital aspirations under the MyDIGITAL blueprint.


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